The chairman of Ledbury Town Working Group, Andy Ward, is asking local people to contact him with ideas on where the town's new toilet block should be situated.

Developers of the town's hospital, Shaw Homes (HA) Ltd, is in discussion with Herefordshire Council about the design of toilets to replace an old Bye Street block.

Shaw has installed portable toilets on the corner of Market Street.

The area currently earmarked for the new facilities is off the entrance to Bye Street car park.

A suggestion, backed by the group, that the new toilets should be on St Katherine's car park, has failed to win approval from English Heritage, because of the sensitive nature of the conservation area.

But the working group believes the Bye Street car park option is not ideal, because the new facilities might be clipped by lorries making deliveries to the rear of Homend businesses.

It also says pavements are narrow and not well-suited for access by the elderly or disabled.

Mr Ward, of the Talbot Hotel, who is also the vice-chairman of Ledbury Tourism Association, said: "We need a loo for the 21st Century and if anyone has a suggestions where it could be I'd like to hear from them.

"For the prettiest market town in the Heart of England, we deserve the safest and the best loos."

He added that the new toilets should be close to a drop-off point for coaches and should be large enough to cope with demand.

Further details on 01531 632963.