LEAVING SERVICE – The school held a leaving service for Rev Prebendary Kay Garlick, who has supported the school for many years. She was presented with a digital camera, a framed photograph, a beautiful bunch of flowers and a card made for her by all the pupils in the school. Kay has led the spiritual life of the school, assemblies and services, been a governor and vice-chair of governors, but most importantly a good friend and guide to the school. She will be missed by all at Much Birch. We wish her all the best for the future.

PARISHES OF THE WORMELOW HUNDRED – The Rev Kay Garlick gave her last service in Much Birch Church to a packed congregation from all the parishes of the Wormelow Hundred. The choir led the proceedings with an introit and also sang an Anthem. Following the service, a bring-and-share lunch was attended by most of the congregation and presentations were made to Rev Kay from the parishes and the children.

On the following Tuesday, the choir held a surprise lunch in her honour and Rev Kay received a gift from the choir.