I AM writing to express my concern about the proposals for the incinerator at Hartlebury.

I am surprised that it is planned to burn waste when there are more environmentally friendly and cost effective means of disposing of waste. I have strong reservations about the transport of waste to Hartlebury which will add to congestion and increase carbon emission.

Surely as an innovative and forward thinking council, you should be considering the advantages of AD technology.

Would it not make better economic sense to build a local anaerobic digester which would have the potential to provide heating for public buildings or industry?

My objections to the Hartlebury proposal are environmental and economic.

I am also concerned about the lack of openness about what is happening.

Please, I beg you to reconsider before making a hasty, ill thought out decision which will leave the people of Herefordshire a legacy of environmental degradation and debt.

COUN DENISE KERWOOD, Leominster North Ward, Leominster Town Council.