REGULAR readers will know that most editions include some reference or another to Herefordshire Council making decisions in private, transferring projects into private companies that are not transparent (such as Hereford Futures), and most commonly its failure to consult widely or take account of the views of those who live and work in Herefordshire.

In order to avoid similar claims regarding the Hereford Enterprise Zone, I would like to draw attention to the consultation opportunity that closes tomorrow (Friday).

Although there has been very little publicity about this consultation opportunity, all the information can be found from the council's website home page and from there by selecting the following topics: Business, Economic Development, Enterprise Zone Masterplan.

The proposals will interest anyone who cares about employment and our economic well being.

Readers may remember that David Cameron visited the Enterprise Zone on January 5 where he was show plans to develop what could be an exemplar of sustainable development. While in Hereford the PM met local businesses involved in the design, manufacture and construction of Passivhaus standard buildings, the highest environmental standard of design and construction.

Although the consultation information does not provide details of the firms bidding for the work one option (number two) is to Passivhaus standards which would result in buildings that have the lowest energy costs available. If these buildings were designed, manufactured and constructed by firms from Herefordshire it would generate significant numbers of local jobs and keep our investment within Herefordshire.

All too often those given authority to decide on these matters chose to spend our money on firms based outside the county. They claim they have no choice (EU rules etc) but other local authorities do manage to place contracts locally.

Remember design, manufacture and construction of the Enterprise Zone by local firms equals jobs.

PAUL TAYLOR, Director, Landmark Consultants.