I FOUND myself in total agreement with your correspondent, John Probert (Readers’ Times, March 8), concerning the necessity for Herefordshire Council to concentrate on rectifying current problems before embarking on so-called high profile projects.

Having attended an exhibition that outlined the redevelopment of the now abandoned cattle market and the new link road from Edgar Street to the bottom of Commercial Road, not one person I have spoken with has expressed the view that the link road is a good idea and will solve or ease the city’s traffic congestion.

Indeed, many people have voiced the opinion that the demise of many local businesses to make way for the road is a step too far.

Several people questioned why local businesses were to be sacrificed, yet the Morrisons supermarket, the relative newcomer, would escape unscathed.

Some folks (cynics or realists) suggested that it was far easier to deal with smaller companies rather than a large national company.

Only the council would be able to comment with authority and veracity.

PAUL JENKINS, Springfield Avenue, Hereford.