MY family and I would like to sympathise with the Laudon family concerning the death of their pet Scout.

We also had a very special young man (11 months) taken from us in March this year by a speeding motorist. His name was Rambo and, boy, did he live up to the name. Inquisitive, playful, loving and so much fun.

Unfortunately I have the same problem as the Laudon family with speeding motorists. I live in Greyfriars Avenue in Hereford and most people see the straightness of the avenue as a chance to put their foot down until they reach the rowing club.

It is a shame that, for whatever reason, people feel the need to speed in open or enclosed roads so that, if any form of animal should cross their path, there will only be one outcome and the cowardly actions of leaving the poor animal there injured or dead is beyond me.

So my family and I would like to say to the Laudons they are not alone in the devastation of a loved pet, lost to the fast and the furious and the downright inconsiderate.

SCOTT Emmett, Greyfriars Avenue, Hereford.