I WAS driving home on Sunday at about 12.15pm, going over the New Bridge in Hereford, heading for Belmont Road.

I stopped at the lights, at the St Martin's Street junction, and a learner driver pulled up beside me. On the lights turning to green, we both pulled away and I was expecting the young lady driving to go into one of the two lanes leading to Ross Road. She was instructed by the person teaching her to drive, to pull into one of the lanes in front on me, and without indicating.

I pressed my horn, and indicated that she was in the wrong - no 'gestures' were given. The way the person who was meant to be giving the lesson - her mother? - gesticulated to me, and shouted to me, anyone would think that it was me in the wrong. By her tone, and hand-waving, she obviously thought that, being in the left-hand lane going over the new bridge, she had every right to move into the lane in front of me, and that she had the right-of-way.

If this is the calibre of the person teaching, I despair for the future of the learner driver, and anyone else who comes into contact with either of them in the future.

Driving in and around Hereford is bad enough, without people being incorrectly taught how to drive, and how to navigate the road-systems.

David Cranson, Trilleck Avenue, Newton Farm, Hereford.