I AM not sure if I am going about this the right way having never felt compelled to write to a newspaper before, but hope that, in doing so, your paper may be able to help me.

My son mislaid a pair of prescription goggles at the Hereford Leisure Pool some weeks ago. I have reported the loss to them and, every week when he has his swimming lesson, I ask at their reception desk if they have been handed in. So far with no luck.

His goggles are quite distinctive, being black with bright green rubber around the eyes. They were made by Hilco and have this name on the nose piece and also the prescription details on the side.

Please, Hereford Times' readers, if your children have come home with a pair of goggles like this, would you mind returning them to the swimming baths reception, who in turn, have my contact details so that my son can be reunited with his goggles.

Whoever has them would not find them beneficial due to the high prescription in the right eye and unfortunately I cannot afford to just go out and replace them.

I hope that you may be able to help me and my son.

Debbie Jones, Courtnay Rise, Hereford.