It was terrific to see Jesse Norman (MP) adding his letter to the long list of objection letters from folk in Hereford opposed to the SLR, on Herefordshire Council’s website.

Over 500 letters have been sent to the hereford Planning Officer and Jesse voices the logical opinions of many: yes we want the £27 million to be spent in Hereford, but it should be spent on measures to improve existing infrastructure and tackle congestion - something the SLR, by the Council’s own admission, will never do.

Jesse confirms that the money doesn’t have to be spent on the SLR, rather, it can be re-allocated and used for ‘alternative infrastructure projects’. This council is flat broke and is already cutting corners to help save money: many road maintenance schemes have now been shelved even though some are in urgent need of repair.

People shouldn’t have to choose which crucial service should be maintained or cut as Hereford’s LTP4 is asking us to do. I want to live in a county where all these things take priority and re-allocating £27 million will go a long way in creating sensible solutions and sustainable schemes where we can all benefit. Scrap the SLR!

K Sharp Belmont