WE are writing in support of the campaign by Hereford group of Amnesty International for the release of Eskinder Nega, a prisoner of conscience in Ethiopia.

As retired journalists we have a particular interest in this case as he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for peaceful and legitimate activities as a journalist.

This is the eighth time Eskinder has been arrested and prosecuted because of his activities as a journalist. Following post-election protests in 2005 he and his wife were detained along with 129 other journalists, and his wife, Serkalem, gave birth to their son whilst in prison.

In 2014 Eskinder received the Golden Pen of Freedom award, the annual press freedom prize of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

The Hereford Amnesty Group regularly writes letters of appeal for Eskinder’s release to the authorities in Ethiopia.

Also, at their monthly Drop-in Letter Writing Group at the library, they send a card of support to him or his family.

Further information is available from the group’s secretary, Heather Davies on 07919 606856.

NIGEL HEINS (Hereford), MIKE WALTON (Leominster), JEN GREEN (Leominster) and PETE BLENCH (Luston)