IN this county we pride ourselves on our agricultural heritage, our native breed of cattle, cider production, market towns, and beautiful countryside.

Herefordshire’s tourism industry is based on a strong agricultural heritage, yet when reading the online comments on the article about the sheep trailer that overturned (Tragedy as 20 sheep die as trailer overturns,, April 15), it is clear that today’s citizens have a very misinformed understanding of the industry that made this county what it is today.

Being engaged to a young farmer myself, I know that young people in the industry are committed to their work, and especially livestock. Comments made included “farmers have no respect for the welfare of animals.”

Let me tell you that while most people go on holiday every year, I battle with my partner to get even a rainy day trip to Borth! This is because farmers view their stock like most households view their pets, and can’t stand to be away from them.

My partner can identify his cattle by description of appearance, and remember their origin, age, and general nature. Taking a stockman away from his stock only causes longing to be back at home.

No farmer I know puts their livestock in danger – think before you criticise!