AM I alone in thinking that Herefordshire is fast becoming a rubbish dump?

I travel along the B4224, A449 and A40 from Ross to Monmouth every day and I am appalled by the amount of rubbish that has spread along this route.

Old road signs left over from roadworks, bollards, shredded plastic, tyres, parts of cars – the list goes on.

The lay-bys along the route all have bins – these have been overflowing for weeks, indeed months and no-one seems to be emptying them.

The result is that there is litter everywhere with very little grass in evidence. The council (or whoever is responsible) are happy to come and strim the verges but not pick up any litter. The strimming doubles the problem as anything in its path is lacerated into tiny pieces.

I have been in touch with the council and the Highways Agency – both of whom seem to pass the problem from one to another and never take any responsibility.

It’s not just a case of the county looking a mess, there are serious implications for wildlife which inadvertently eats the rubbish, causing hideous digestion issues and probably death. This rubbish also can get into the river and eventually ends up in the sea, again causing massive problems for our dwindling marine life.

The council hopes to entice tourists to the area to enjoy our beautiful countryside, but who wants to come and see a rubbish dump? Towns and cities seem to have less of a litter problem than this county.

Can anyone or any organisation help me in galvanising the council into doing something about this?

I am happy to help in the campaign but it needs to be led by an organisation that can put pressure on them, not just a random resident who pays her council tax on time every year (for what, I wonder?).