I AM a regular user of the A49 between Hereford and Leominster.

I noticed on my way home on January 2 at about 4pm that an operative was putting up temporary traffic lights just north of Holmer.

I used the road again that night and noticed there was a backlog of traffic at the lights and no sign of any work being done.

On January 3 I had to go to work for 2.30pm and there was a considerable queue. The total delay was 15 minutes and I was late for work. Again there was no sign of anyone working.

I returned at 11pm and there was still no sign of work being undertaken.

I started work on the afternoon of January 4 and again the lights were on. There was a stretch of virgin tarmac and no sign of any operative.

On January 5 I had a delay of 10 minutes. Still no sign of work starting.

I understand that roads need to be repaired and dug up. I understand the need for temporary lights but I struggle to see why the lights were erected for four days without work starting.

Apart from the operative putting the lights up on January 2, I saw no one else at the site at all.

This situation caused delay to me and countless others, as well as being a source of frustration.

DAVID WATSON Etnam Street, Leominster