I WRITE in reply to the front page article in last week’s Hereford Times in regard to fortnightly refuse collections, and I have to agree with ex-councillor Newman’s sentiments.

Newton Farm is one of the most densely populated parts of my ward, with 1,841 properties, some of which are flats. My concern is the fact that we will have a great deal of rubbish being dumped, more than there is now, with the added problem of vermin infestation together with the smell of rotting food and waste.

Some larger families are already putting out four to six bags a week and, with cats and dogs smelling food, they will open them up, strewing the contents everywhere.

I have been contacted by a woman living in Caerphilly, in Wales, who has read the article and where she has stated in addition to wheelie bins they are supplied with two caddies (one large one small) to take all food waste, together with strong reusable garden bags which are collected each week in a small truck. If all these can be supplied then it may work.

It is worth remembering that people living in flats need to have space in which to store these bins. With some not having gardens, where are these bins going to be located? This administration has not thought this through, stating “fortnightly collections are part of the cuts plan in the budget for 2014/15”.

My question is, as the council is in dire straits financially, where is the money coming from for these new black wheelie bins? It would be going headlong into more debt without thinking of how it is going to pay these debts off, or is it the thinking that it will pass this extra cost onto the tax payers of this county who are already finding it very hard to make ends meet? Another hare-brained idea that hasn’t been thought through enough.

COUNCILLOR GLENDA VAUGHAN-POWELL Herefordshire Independent, Belmont ward, Herefordshire Council