LOUISE Croad is the new co-ordinator at the Knighton and District Community Support Project. For the last three years Louise has been working for the Royal Voluntary service setting up the Good Neighbour service in Knighton and Presteigne. Louise said her first task will be to encourage more people to volunteer to work in the charity shop and become hospital drivers. Kirsten Haynes who runs this service reports an increase in demand recently.

Chairman Philip Price congratulated Catherine Plant for securing a partner grant from the Henry Smith charity which will fund the volunteering on prescription scheme for a further three years.

The charity has also set up a free computer, Ipad, mobile phone support service for anyone looking for help.

Jo Brooker a volunteer in the community furniture barn praised the charity for their work with volunteers she said "I enjoy being a volunteer and work in a great atmosphere, with everyone working together in a very friendly and supporting team".

If anyone one is thinking about becoming a volunteer please contact Louise on 01547 520653.