COFFEE - A Macmillan coffee morning on September 28 will be held in Monkland village hall between 10am and 12pm.

£1 entry includes coffee/tea and biscuits.

There will be a bring and buy, homemade cakes, preserves and pickles, plants, books, bric-a-brac and more. Also an evening prize bingo: eyes down at 8pm, doors open at 7pm. No babies or children under six, please.

HARVEST FESTIVAL AND LUNCH - Monkland Harvest Festival followed by lunch is on October 7. Service in church at 11.30am.

Tickets available from Wendy Jancey 01568 720265. Decorating church on October 6 at 9am.

BINGO - Village prize bingo starts tomorrow (Friday). Doors open at 7pm. Eyes down at 8pm. No babies or children under six, please.