HEARTSTART - There is a free course on June 26, at the Royal National College for the Blind, room A10, from 7pm to 9pm (please arrive 10-15 minutes beforehand). To book a place email info@herefordshireheartstart.

co.uk or ring co-ordinator Loraine Coleman on 0845 6060654 (Monday to Thursday, 9am to 12.45pm).

MONEY RAISED - £70 was raised for St Michael’s Hospice during a jubilee party for residents of Greyfriars Avenue and Barton Road in Hereford.

TREASURE HUNT - Somewhere within south Herefordshire stands a dilapidated structure.

At the base of its western wall, guarded closely, there lies a secret box. The box contains treasure. Days Out With Dad is publishing eight cryptic clues that will ultimately lead to the treasure. Each clue can be solved to obtain a number, and put together, the numbers make an Ordnance Survey grid reference which will reveal the location. Visit daysoutwithdad.org.uk/fathersday today (Thursday) and again tomorrow (Friday) evening.