DAFFODILS - How pretty Monkland is looking now that its host of golden daffodils are out and line the A44 through the village this is thanks to the Millennium Committee which planted them.

SHOW - Competition is hotting up in the village for the spring show on Saturday, in the village hall. There are sections for crafts, cooking, flowers art and photography.

This is a small village show now in its 26th year.

All enteries must staged by 11am. Doors open at 9am. Schedules available from Wendy Jancey 01568 720265. Show open to the public at 2.30pm when cups of tea will be served.

MOTHERING SUNDAY - Small bunches of spring flowers will be given to members of the congregation of All Saints Church on Sunday. The service starts at 11am.

PRIZE BINGO - Is every Friday evening in the village hall. Doors open at 7pm for eyes down at 8pm. Everyone welcome but no under 6s or babies please. The bingo lottery is in aid of Air Ambulance.