QUIZ CHALLENGE - The Parish of Stretton Sugwas has been challenged by the congregation of St Peter's, Lyde to a quiz on Saturday, at 7.30pm in the Simpson Hall, Burghill. Tickets £6 per head (to include a light supper and glass of wine or soft drink. You may bring additional drinks if you wish.) Come as a complete table of four adults or four adults with children, or make up a table on the evening. Tickets are available from the Rector in church or by phoning him on 01432 760246.

HARVEST FESTIVAL in Church at 11am, on Sunday, September 25, followed by Harvest Lunch in Stretton Sugwas Parish Hall. Tickets £6. Please contact Shirley on Hereford 276948 or Beryl on 342085 for further information.

PARISH COUNCIL: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29, at 7.30pm, in the village hall.