JULY FETE - The Monkland village fete was forced to transfer its venue at the last minute due to adverse weather conditions - from the Beeches to the village hall, but this did not deter or dampen the spirits of the many visitors who attended. Vicar, Christine Mundell opened the proceedings and Lucy Williams presented her with a bouquet of flowers. Trade was brisk on all stalls and refreshments enjoyed by all. Skittles, face painting and fishing the duck out of the pond proved popular, together with a delightful fairground organ playing all afternoon. The iced cake was won by Dr Jenny Barnes; bottle of whiskey by Dee Griffiths and name the scarecrow, by Olive Goodwin. An amazing total raised for church funds reached £1,110, special thanks from the vicar and the PCC goes to all stallholders and visitors alike with extra special thanks to Harry Jancey and Cyril Griffiths for all their behind the scenes works.

SHOW - August 20 brings an early village show in the village hall. Competition is heating up again for the longest bean and tastiest baked cake, can you beat the rest? Entries to be presented between 9.30-11am, when judges will begin the hard task for a winner. Show schedules are available from Wendy on 01568 720265.