SIMPSON HALL DIARY- Today (Thursday) the retirement club meets at 2.30 pm, for a talk on the RSPCA.

On Wednesday, Burghill CAP meets at 9am, and at 7.45pm there is Scottish dancing. Next Thursday, September 23, Burghill Bridge Club meets at 6.45pm. On Tuesday, the trustees of the Simpson Hall hold their second meeting of the year at 7.30pm in the hall’s conference room.

TREASURE - On Sunday at 1.30pm there is a treasure hunt around Burghill preceded with a lunch at 12.30pm. Tea and cake will be served at the finish.

Adults £6, children £3, tickets from Heather at Tillington village store.

WI - On Tuesday, the WI meets at 7pm, at Upper House for a visit to the Co-op apple orchards.