FETE - The mayor of Leominster, Councillor Roger Hunt, accompanied by his wife Hilary, took time out to open the Monkland village fete, held at The Beeches by permission of Mrs Porter.

Charlotte and Georgina Blain presented the mayor with a bottle as a thank you gift. An afternoon of fun and entertainment included fairground organ music provided by Roger Wilmot.

Winners were as follows: raffle prize, Sandy Maxfield; cake, Bev Francis; lottery bonus number (20), Gill Minett; teddy bear, Rhys Cotterell. Blessed with good weather, the event raised £1,100 towards church funds, with thanks to everyone who helped or attended.

DIARY DATES - Fierce competition is already starting to grow for the Monkland Autumn Show set for September 4 at the village hall. Just who will win the longest runner bean contest? Then, on September 24, the annual Macmillan coffee morning takes place and on October 3 it is the Harvest Festival at the church.