COFFEE MORNING - Enjoy refreshments on Saturday, May 22, at 10am, in the village hall. Proceeds will go to St Mary Magdalene Church funds.

OPEN AIR CONCERT - Bring a picnic and enjoy an open air concert at Stretton Sugwas School on Saturday, from 5.30pm to 8pm. Bandemonium will be performing with a dramatic helicopter fly-by. There will be a beer tent, food and hot drinks available.

PARISH MEETING - The parish meeting is on May 27, at 7pm, in the village hall.

LUNCH CLUB - The next lunch will be on May 26 at 12.30pm.

BROWNIES - If you have a daughter aged seven to 10 who would like to join the Brownies, call Corrie on 01432 761135.

VILLAGE HALL - For any function, the village hall costs only £7.50 per hour.

Call Barrie on 01432 761241.