MOST women look forward to the birth of their first baby with excitement and joy and in most cases, the happy event proves to be all it is cracked up to be.

But for a few, it doesn't. They become victims of post natal depression, a destructive condition which can rob them of the early days of unlimited joyous motherhood.

This happened to Clare Farquhar, of Canon Frome, who needed counselling to cope after her daughter Isabelle was born two and a half years ago.

"Like so many mums, I felt isolated and unprepared for the massive life-changing experience that is having a baby.

"At the time I worked part time and always missed the baby groups and the chance to meet other mums," she said.

So Clare gave birth again. Not to a baby this time - but a business idea.

Last September, she started up a shop in Ledbury devoted to selling top quality second-hand clothes for children.

And she opened her doors at the shop, Bibi, in The Southend, as a drop-in centre for mothers with young children in danger of the same isolation.

At Bibi, she has designed part of the premises to provide space and facilities to breast feed or bottle feed babies, have a coffee or tea and biscuits, change nappies and - most importantly - sit and have a chat to other parents or to gather information on a wide variety of baby-related subjects.

It is all free and mothers and babies are welcome from Monday to Saturday between 9.30am and 5.30pm.

"I wanted to provide a friendly, understanding supportive service which would be available all week - simply to provide a place to go that isn't your own front room but is just as relaxed and unintimidating," said Clare.

It has been going well and Clare, now completely free of her own depression and thoroughly enjoying being a mum, has gathered together almost a library of information and a network of people with advice that other mothers can use.

Now she has gone one step further - Bibi has become the venue for a local NHS postnatal group for all parents with newborn babies.

It started last Thursday and will be held on the same day each week, starting at 10am.

It is being run in partnership with Ledbury health visitors and will provide normal services.

Midwives and health visitors will attend and there will be an information talk each month covering topics such as breast feeding, weaning, car safety and relaxation and an opportunity for parents needing to talk over specific problems. There is a charge of 50p.

Clare said professionals would be there to help but the innovative service in her shop is a local support network run by parents, for parents.

The phone number for Clare at Bibi in Ledbury is 01531 631847.