GARDENING CLUB - The 23rd Annual Flower and Produce Show will be held in the Parish Hall on Saturday, August 20, at 2.30 pm. Schedules will be available from the Post Office and from Saffrons Cross. Non-entrants will be welcomed and teas and light refreshments will be available. The next meeting proper will be on September 6 and will feature a talk by Richard Pim on the subject of Westonbury Mill and his life.

TELEPHONE KIOSK - Following a circulation by BT, advising that they plan to remove the cash facility from the one remaining kiosk in the Village, only one complaint was received from residents. This was not sufficient to make a case against the proposals, and the box will almost certainly become card-only once BT have been given formal approval.

LEISURE CLUB -The next meeting will be in the Parish Hall at 2.30 pm. The guest speaker will talk about Earrings you would never want to wear. Newcomers and visitors always welcome.