HISTORY GROUP - The summer meeting of the Byton, Coombe, Kinsham and Stapleton History Group took place at the Arkwright Hall, Kinsham, to hear Bob Jenkins and Margaret Price talk about 'A Border Pilgrimage'. This was an overview of religious foundations and sites from the pagan pre-history of Arthur's Stone at Dorstone, through the medieval period of devotion and church building, to the non-conformist chapels from the restoration period onwards, and represented the result of many journeys to isolated sites along the Border country. Reference was made locally to the Augustinian Nunnery at Limebrook, near Lingen, founded in 1189, and the church and manor of Titley.The many photographs were an added stimulus to members to further their own researches. The next meeting will be on June 21, details are available from the secretary on 01544 267701.