ANNUAL MEETING - The annual parish meeting, annual meeting of Abbeydore and Bacton Group Parish Council and a parish council meeting were held in Abbeydore Village hall on May 15. No members of the public were present which, it was felt, must indicate there are no local problems and the community was satisfied with the efforts the council made on its behalf. Councillors discussed the possibility of changing the meeting day and it was agreed to vary the day, depending on other organisations that used the village hall.

At the annual meeting, councillors elected at the parish council elections signed their acceptance of office. Mr Watkins welcomed Gerald Powell as a new councillor. Comprehensive reports were presented from the chairman, clerk, footpath officer, and local organisations, such as village hall and PCC. The Millennium was to be recognised by a church noticeboard to be ordered shortly for Dore Abbey and a set for Bacton Church, which was ordered. Meetings were well attended and reflected the interest in the community taken by councillors. Officers of the council and representatives to other committees were elected. Members co-opted David Preece to fill the vacancy on the parish council.

At an ordinary parish council meeting after, it was agreed a letter of thanks should be sent to Denzil Lloyd ,who had retired after a number of years as local postman, and to Mrs Prowse who had moved away recently from the district, having been a parish councillor for several years. A satisfactory financial statement was presented and a number of invoices were approved for payment.