CUB SCOUTS - Knucklas Cub Scouts took part in the Millennium camp at Lower Rhydness, above Llyswen. Scout and Cubs throughout the United Kingdom camped on the same date. Adults from Knucklas were Mr and Mrs George Linaker, Jocelyn Wood, Joanna Wood, and the boys were Jake Owen, Peter Duffill, Daniel Wood, Steven Jackson and Anthony Paviour. The camp started in rain, but this turned to sunshine and the tents were dry when packed away. Glasbury Cubs assistant leaders cooked the meals. The landowners, Mr and Mrs Williams, were very helpful. A camp fire was led by Commissioner Steve Ashley on the Saturday night, and on the Sunday morning Mr Linaker took a short service, assisted by Glasbury Cubs and a Knucklas Scout. In addition, there were all the usual camp activities and all enjoyed themselves, including the leaders.