PROBUS CLUB - At the last meeting of Colwall Probus Club, members were given an illustrated talk by Mr G Pitchfork entitled 'Aviation Heritage in the Cotswolds'. Mr Pitchfork, who is an experienced pilot, retired from the RAF in 1994 with the rank of Air Commodore and is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He explained how airfields in the Cotswolds, some dating from the First World War, were too far from the east coast for operational flying during the 1939-1945 war. They were, therefore, used for pilot training, many new ones having been built from the mid-1930s when war again appeared to be inevitable. Although little remained of many of these sites, several churches in the Cotswolds had stained-glass windows which commemorated the exploits and activities of the men and women who worked there. Many famous names, such as Gloster Aircraft, Whittle, Dowty and Smiths Industries formed part of the aviation heritage, and Mr Pitchfork included many interesting stories of individuals who had shown great bravery, and who would always be remembered. This was a very interesting insight into a part of aviation history.

PHOTOGRAPH - Hundreds of people from the village walked and cycled along to St James Church recently for the Millennium photographs which were taken from a cherry picker and a helicopter. Rolls, wine and soft drinks were provided for those who wanted to picnic. This followed a Pentecost service inside the church, devised by Anne Lanyon-Hogg.

FUND-RAISING - Macmillan Cancer Relief is looking for younger members to help with its fund-raising events. It is not arduous work and can be fun and always rewarding. Anyone interested should contact Betty Gordon on 540500 or Alun Llewellyn on 540392.