MILLENNIUM - Almeley Millennium committee, under its chairman Martin Lewis, thank residents of Almeley for their support over the past three years. During that time, a variety of fund-raising events have taken place, including the 200 Club, mini draw, a Chinese auction, a race meeting night, open gardens with afternoon teas, an illustrated talk on the famous 'Hay Poisoner', a barbecue, quiz night with the neighbourhood watch, and fascinating accounts of VSO work in Thailand and midwifery in Russia. As a result of these fund-raising events, the committee has been able to enrich life in Almeley in many ways. A unique commemorative plaque, cast in bronze and depicting the geographical features of the village, has been erected in the centre of the village and £750 was donated to the Almeley Primary School fund. A booklet, 'Aspect of Almeley', was distributed free to every household. The parish council now had charge of a projector for use within the village. The new year was welcomed in with a free party in the village hall and there was a scrapbook for the WI and benches for the use by residents and visitors. The chairman extended thanks to the committee for its special help. Members are: Jeremy Russell, treasurer and accounts; Peter Mokler, fund-raising; Clyde Jones, 'Aspects of Almeley'; Verlie Bettenti, secretary; Carol Harris, fund-raising; Edna Hughes, catering; and Margaret Goode, press.