THE Britten Singers, under their director, Pamela White, have begun rehearsals for their new season and, as usual, will be adding another range of music to their already large repertoire.

Two concerts are already planned in the area. The first one will be in Credenhill Church on September 23 in aid of funds for the church. Their programme will include sacred motets, some madrigals, works by Schubert and several pieces from the 20th century, including a commissioned work from John Sanders written for their 25th anniversary earlier this year and which has been a great hit with both singers and audiences. Robert Milan and Stuart Brain who are members of the choir will be playing organ and trumpet solos.

The second concert will be in November at the Lion Ballroom in Leominster, which after languishing for many years has been restored to its 18th century glory. Proceeds from this event will go to help in the running of the Lion Gallery. Again there will be a wide-ranging programme of music, with piano and instrumental solos.

Pamela White is always keen to hear from singers, particularly, at the moment, a tenor and a bass, who would be interested in joining the group. Any further details about the Britten Singers may be obtained from Pamela White on Hereford 356757.