WHIST DRIVES -- The autumn season of whist drives will begin on September 24 at the New Strand, Eardisley. The games begin at 7.45pm, with an interval for refreshments after 12 hands.

COFFEE MORNING -- Charlotte and Sue King thank everybody who attended their coffee morning in aid of AFS UK. As a result of their efforts, and the support of the public, £120 was raised.

GROUP PARISH COUNCIL -- The problem of parking in the village was again discussed at the group meeting. Everyone is asked to help in keeping it to a minimum to assist people shopping and using the Post Office facilities. Application forms for fruit tree kits are available from Andrew Layton on 01544 328400. This is part of the Environmental Improvement Grants Scheme. The next meeting will be in the Reading Room at 7.30pm on September 17.

MOTHERS' UNION -- On September 17 there will be a Communion Service for the Deanery at Winforton Church, commencing at 2.30pm.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH -- The Eardisley Neighbourhood Watch group is looking for new members. Anyone wishing to join the Neighbourhood Watch and/or the night patrol rota, should contact Chris England on 01544 327491 or Margaret Fitness on 01544 327753.

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -- Friends and husbands are welcome to attend the WI meeting in the Curzon Herrick Hall today, when Major Bob Maslem-Jones will speak on the subject of Mountain Misadventures, Search and Rescue in Snowdonia. Further details from Ann Wood on 01544 327237.