IT cost £4.3 million and is clearly the pride of Ledbury. People in the town fought for six years for a new hospital and it opens next week, writes LIZ WATKINS.

But they got more than they bargained for - not just a hospital but a comprehensive Community Health Care Centre.

Built and owned by Shaw Homes, a non-profit making organisation, in Market Street, it will provide a range of services purchased by the Primary Care Trust.

It is also the new home for the St Katherine's GP surgery in Ledbury.

Included in the building is a 60 bed nursing home, 46 of them private care beds, 14 paid for by the NHS.

Nursing staff at Ledbury Cottage Hospital, built in the late 1800s and to become redundant, have transferred to the employment of Shaw Homes, so patients will recognise familiar faces.


The new centre will have facilities for minor surgery, has a 24 hours minor injuries unit and will provide physiotherapy, chiropody and dentistry services.

Ted Wilmott, chairman of the Primary Care Trust describes it as a wonderful new centre reflecting the hard work and successful partnership of organisations and individuals, including the involvement of many local people and the Friends.

The combination of hospital and a whole range of health services in one building made it into a real community health centre. "We are all grateful for the vision and determination of the local GPs who had the foresight and commitment to renew the Cottage Hospital which has provided such a splendid service to the people of Ledbury for years,'' said Mr Wilmott.

Jeremy Nixey, chief executive of Shaw Homes said the opening of the centre was only a beginning for Ledbury. It was hoped more services would be developed.

The Primary Care Trust's contract with Shaw Homes for NHS services from the new building is for 25 years.

The old hospital is no longer needed and will be sold by the NHS.