WELSH NIGHT -- Knighton Community Centre Management Committee held a successful Welsh Night on Saint David's Day. Knighton Town Silver Band, under the direction of David Wilson, played a selection of items with a Welsh connection. Mr Wilson also proved himself to be a skillful raconteur of amusing anecdotes with which he interspersed the musical items. Kevin Kell read three poems of his own composition which had either a Celtic or local flavour. Councillor Ken Harris was master of ceremonies. Winners in the raffle were: Kevin Kell, Sarah Scotford, Pat Isherwood, Colin Higgins, Aled George and Ken Barlow. Lorna Higgins organised the draw. Proceeds were split between Knighton Town Silver Band and Knighton Community Centre.

KNIGHTON BOWLING CLUB -- The ladies of Knighton Bowling Club held a whistdrive at the Clubhouse in Church Road on Thursday February 28. Winners were: Ladies Mrs R. Farmer, Miss J. Price, Mrs D. Williams: Gentlemen Mrs M. Evans, Mr T. Pugh, Mrs R. Lynall: consolation Mr H. Jones, Mrs J. Williams: longest sitter Mrs Iris Benson. Raffle: Mrs D. Edwards, Mr H. Jones, Miss S. Price and Mr R. Jones. Prizes presented by Mrs D. Griffiths. Master of ceremonies Mrs S. Moorhouse. Next whistdrive to be held in the clubhouse "Easter" whistdrive on Thursday, March 14, 7.30pm.

ELECTION -- There will be an election for a community councillor in the west ward of Knighton on Thursday, March 14. The two candidates are Leslie Griffiths and Lorna Higgins. Polling will be at Knighton Community Centre from 8 am to 9 pm.

WEDNESDAY CLUB -- Raffle winners at a recent meeting of Knighton and District Wednesday Club in the Social Room of Saint Edward's Close were Mrs Barrett, Mr Don Lewis, Mrs Parker-Smith, Mrs Conway, Mrs Upton, Mrs Payne and Mr Dick Price. Mrs N. Barrett and Mrs Edith Conway were helpers, and Mrs Conway called for bingo.

WORLD THINKING DAY SERVICE -- The Radnorshire Guide Association held its World Thinking Day Service at Saint Edward's Church, Knighton. Father Andrew Pearce, Priest-in-Charge of the Knighton Group of Parishes, officiated at the service assisted by Mr Thomas Heakin an Mr Kevin Kell. Mr Cecil Rudge was organist.

EAST WINDOW APPEAL -- Knighton Churchwardens wish to thank everyone who has contributed so generously to the restoration of the Church's East Window, and especially Knighton's mayor, Councillor Roger Bright who has supported the appeal in his year of office. More than half the amount needed has now been raised. Saint Edward's is planning a festival to mark the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II from June 13-16. The Civic Service will be on Sunday, June 16.

SAINT EDWARD'S CHURCH -- The Fourth Sunday in Lent is known as Refreshment Sunday as it marked a moderate relaxation of the rigours of the observance of Lent. It is also known as Mothering Sunday, and Father Andrew Pearce celebrated a special Family Eucharist at Saint Edward's to mark the occasion. The Rev. Donald Green read the lesson; Hilary Howcroft directed the Choir of Saint Edward's; and Cecil Rudge was organist. Thomas Heakin was server, and Richard Wood and Kevin Kell assisted with the administration of the communion.

CHURCHES TOGETHER -- The annual general meeting of Churches Together in Knighton and District will be on Monday, March 18 at 7.15pm in the Methodist Church.

JUMBLE SALE -- Saint David's Church, Heyope, will hold a jumble sale in Knighton Church Hall at 3pm on Saturday.

STOWE AND STANAGE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - The March meeting of Stowe and Stanage Women's Institute began with a warm welcome to two new members. There are plans for a Fashion Show at the Knighton Hotel on the evening of Wednesday, April 24. Speaker for the evening was the Rev. Stephen Wood who brought along some slides of his stay in America when he swapped homes for three months with an American minister. Rev.Wood was there on September 11 and so was able to experience the shockwaves to American society at first hand. He was thanked by Mrs A. Creed.

KNIGHTON JUNIOR COUNCIL - Junior Councillor Wayne Farmer presided at a meeting of the Junior Council called to present Junior Councillors' ideas to representatives of Knighton Town Council. Deputy Mayor Rob Reeves responded on behalf of the Town Council as Mayor Roger Bright was ill. The first point raised was concern about the state of Knighton's play areas. Members expressed concern about litter, the poor state of the paintwork on play equipment, the removal of the spiral slide from the play area adjacent to the Community Centre, and about vandalism. There was particular concern that a swing in the same play area had been set on fire, and Junior Councillor Daniel Wood voiced concern about graffiti. Councillor Rob Reeves agreed to press Powys County Council to tidy up the play areas, and would put to them the suggestion that some of the money from the Junior Council's delegated budget could help to pay for the operation. Powys County Council had removed the spiral slide because it had become unsafe. Junior councillors also raised concerns over dog fouling. Junior councillors called for the provision of a BMX track. Junior Councillor Tarren Lewis said that there was a need for a BMX track so that young BMX-ers could enjoy themselves in a safe environment. Councillor Reeves said that the town council had looked at the provision of a fenced off cycle area in the Recreation Field and Powys County Council was intending to go ahead with this. The Junior Council also reported on other issues, including the call for a rounders pitch and the provision of roller discos at the Leisure Centre.The Deputy Mayor thanked the Junior Council for its ideas and suggestions.