PARISH COUNCIL -- The February meeting was well attended with nine councillors present, three approved absences of councillors, district Councillor Graham Morgan and local beat officer WPC Fiona Farrington were present; Mrs K Kerridge was also present as the new clerk in training. The minutes of the meeting of January 9 were approved and seconded. A letter was received from Herefordshire Citizens Advice Bureau outlining their services and a request for donations. A notice letter was received from the CPRE (Council for the Protection of Rural England) highlighting concerns regarding the Government's Planning Green Paper and how it could affect many parish councils. Details were distributed regarding the Model Code of Conduct for Town & Parish Councils and Kathie Kerridge and Tony Capon confirmed that hey would be attending an open meeting at Brockington on February 21 to find out more about the implications. Notification was received regarding the Hereford Hospitals car boot sale on May 26. A copy of 'Newsline' was received for circulation. The issue was raised again regarding the siting of travellers at Madley, with information being put forward that it was almost certain that the site had been vacated and that a countywide ban would now be effective. From Herefordshire Council, copies of the Forward Plan, Hereford Plan Progress 2001-2, Planning Bulletin December 2001, Emergency Planning Officer Flood Plan, Schedule of Meetings, Street Works Schedule, Herefordshire Tourism's Festival, Herefordshire Festival of Walking and Lifelong Learning Conference had been received and circulated. A draft copy of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy was received and distributed for circulation. From the Parish Paths Partnership confirmation was received that Miss Wildermoth would be in attendance at the meeting on April 10. A preliminary date of March 26 has been set for the public forum regarding the speed limits and traffic-calming measures outside the schools and within the village in general - to be held at Kingstone Primary School. A further meeting was held with the drainage engineers regarding Seven Site; the footpath area along Cottons Meadow and Arkstone Brook and a report is due back from them. Confirmation was received regarding the query at Little Dell that no problems existed regarding the splay on the entrance but other problems were raised over the general build quality which were going to be referred back to the planning enforcement officer. Four planning applications were regarding Bridge Court Barn with two being refused by Herefordshire Council, one granted and the other not requiring permission. A revised application was received regarding the car park extension at Cooks Lane. The latest bank statements for current and deposit accounts were confirmed. The Draft Code of Conduct for Town and Parish Councils was discussed by the councillors present. The precept for 2002-3 had been approved by Herefordshire Council. A discussion took place regarding the need to set a limit for a training budget for the clerk and councillors. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 10 at 7.30pm - this would be the parish annual meeting followed by the annual general meeting.