LENT LUNCHES -- The last two Lent lunches for this year will be tomorrow, Friday March 15 and Friday March 22. A simple meal of soup, cheese and biscuits will be served at 12.30 in the village hall. There is no charge, but donations will be welcome, and will form part of the charitable giving of St John the Baptist Church. The usual monthly munches will start again on Friday April 5.

GOLDEN JUBILEE -- The order forms for the souvenir mugs must be returned to any parish councillor or the clerk to the council no later than Monday March 18.

SAFETY CHECK -- A free house safety check is now available from the Fire Service Safety Officer - see the notice on the village hall notice board or telephone 01432 274561.

WELCOME -- To Alan and Kate who have recently moved into Pike Cottage on the Lea Line. They are the landlords of the Farmers Boy public house. Welcome also to Joe and Vanessa Hart, the new residents of Bloomfield, Shotts Lane.