PARISH COUNCIL - Abbeydore and Bacton Group Parish Council held their march meeting on Monday, March 4. The main item to be discussed was the Model Code of Conduct. the consensus of opinion was that it was what was already practised in this council and members approved the proposal and signed written undertakings to abide by the Code. The Clerk had attended the Golden Valley Liaison group meeting at Madley and gave a brief report. Mrs Lloyd gave a presentation on proposals to develop the old play area for use by the Mother and Toddler Group. After discussion and questions, Mr Watkins re-opened the meeting and it was agreed that approval of Mrs Lloyds scheme for a play area be approved in principle although there were reservations and more details were required. Further questions over the Queens Jubilee celebrations and the celebratory mugs and a potentially dangerous stile near Riverdale. The next meeting was arranged for April 15th in the village hall.