MADAM, I was very disappointed the swimming baths have closed. My daughter (aged 4)and I were only there yesterday.

She has been having lessons since April. I wish the council could have seen her face when I told her the baths had been closed. I bet she was not the only child to be in tears wondering why "her" pool had been closed down.

We were not even given a reason. How dare the council treat us like this! The plans for the proposed new pool in Leominster have not even been approved yet!

The council has let down everyone - the schools who use it every morning. People with disabilities, pre-school children learning to swim. The old and the young who are encouraged to look after themselves and keep fit!

What about lottery money - everyone else seems to get it - could it not be available? Why can we not look after what we have and improve it - rather than knock it down - what an example to the next generation!!

To the staff at Sydonia I wish them well and thank them for all the many children whom they have taught to swim over the years.


