Hereford cider firm Bulmers says it will be paying in full for all fruit purchased from growers and points out that part payments have already been made.

But the company says it intends staggering payments as part of the firm's strategy to overcome its temporary financial difficulties.

A spokesman for the company said Bulmers contributed £4 million to the local farming economy, to both its contract growers and to its non-contract suppliers.

But the firm had alerted growers that without a return to sales growth in the cider market there would be a surplus of cider apples in future years.

The firm was currently pressing 80,000 tonnes of cider apples at its Hereford mill and was taking all apples on offer from its regular suppliers. The circumstances combined to create a situation where Bulmers would not use a substantial proportion of this year's crop until next year.

So the company was in talks with the Herefordshire Cider Fruit Growers' Association about re-phasing payments.

"Reaching agreement on the re-phasing of fruit payments is an integral part of Bulmers strategy to overcome its temporary financial difficulties," said the spokesman.

"Bulmers is committed to maintaining a sustainable and viable cider fruit growing industry in the region."