LEOMINSTER town councillors who are desperate to find new office and meeting space may take a fresh look at empty rooms in a historic building.

Lion House, Broad Street was a former coaching inn. Extensive space has become vacant there following relocation of council planning offices to Hereford.

The financially struggling Lion Ballroom public venue is run by volunteers in a wing of the building.

Ballroom chairman George Bray has urged the town council to become a partner in sharing the Lion complex.

The town council office at Grange Walk is now deemed too small and cramped and the council's 'chamber' - its meeting place in a run-down cabin - is soon to be demolished.

"We've been looking at premises for a long time and nothing seems to turn up," Councillor Patricia Thomas told last week's council meeting.

She urged reconsideration of space at the Lion building which councillors looked at once before.

Mayor Roger Hunt said at the previous visit it was considered that an 'enormous area of rambling rooms' was far too big for the council's needs and was too costly.

Mrs Thomas said the council's existing office was becoming far too cramped. It would be nice to be able to 'spread out' she said. The general purposes committee will discuss the issue.