Hereford Civic Trust is concerned over what it claims is the way in which so much new development is in the planning pipeline in Hereford with no co-ordinated approach, no masterplan.

The Unitary Development Plan, on which the society has made its comments, is intended to set the scene for Hereford for years to come.

But, says the trust, it has to go through a long process before finalisation. In the meantime, it could be pre-empted.


This is why the trust is embarking on a campaign to attract more members, people to help keep watchful eyes on all that is happening.

To begin with, a small exhibition will be held in All Saints Church at the end of March and then it is hoped to move to other venues.

A public meeting is to be held in Hereford's Shirehall on Wednesday, February 26 when the speaker will be Paul Hyett, the current President of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Mr Hyett was born and bred in Hereford where his father Derek still runs a practice.

He should have some clear ideas on where things have gone wrong, with suggestions as to how they might be put right, says the trust.