BECOMING an air cadet is not all drill, uniform and endless discipline.

It can mean plenty of fun and taking part in a host of activities.

At Ewyas Harold Air Cadets the boys and girls fly gliders, hand gliders, abseil, climb and even offer first responder cover in emergencies in the area.

And many excel in the sporting arena, the proof coming from Cadet Corporal Sean Day and Cadet Corporal Ben Chance.

Both have represented their unit and county wing in both cross country running and in rugby and recently represented the whole of Wales and the West of England in both sports.

Sean, aged 14, from Kingstone, and a pupil at Kingstone High School and Ben, 16, from Kentchurch and a modern apprentice technician with a motor firm in Hereford are very active members of the Ewyas Harold Air Cadets.

Flying Officer Lynne Davies, who has been with the cadets for more than 10 years said they were very pleased with the sporting achievements.

As the units sports officer she said the cadets were able to try any of the sports on offer and many found they had talent in a sporting area they had never tried before.

Ewyas Harold Air Cadets is on the look out for more youngsters to join and replace those who have gone to college or university.

Boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 18 can take a look for themselves by visiting the cadets at St Michael's Hall in Ewyas Harold on Friday evenings between 7pm and 9-30pm.

An open evening will take place on Friday, March 28.