Madam, Herefordshire Primary Care Trust chief Paul Bates appears not to understand the dire predicament the Alzheimer's Society now find themselves in, through the failure of his trust to fund the day care centres adequately.

As you have reported, this has resulted in the closure of three day care centres.

In spite of the fact the PCT has a statutory responsibility to care for people with dementia, they have, in the past few years, seen fit to watch the Alzheimer's Society use money from their own funds and other charitable sources, to top up the funding of day care centres.

Now the Alzheimer's Society stands accused of an unjustifiable request for increased funding 'in one leap', when in fact it is just a simple case of lack of funding over several years by the PCT.

The predicament that the Alzheimer's Society now find themselves in is:

A) Extremely unfair, because as a registered charity, the Charity Commissioners do not allow the Alzheimer's Society to use anymore of their own money for day care centres. This is because it is the statutory responsibility of the Primary Health Trust, to fund day care centres for people with dementia.

B) Very short sighted of the PCT under the present crisis of bed-blocking in hospitals. Many people could be released from hospital and looked after at home, if there was enough day care provision. At the moment, those who are mentally ill appear to be bottom of the pile in Herefordshire, and without the Alzheimer's Society, matters would be even more dire.

As Patron of the Alzheimer's Society for Herefordshire, I appeal on behalf of these vulnerable members of society, for the full £75,000 to be made available as soon as possible by the PCT to fully restore the day care service to the county.

LADY COTTERELL MBE, Patron, Alzheimer's Society for Herefordshire