events -- Over the past three months the village hall committee have organised several events which have met with varying degrees of success. A Christmas bingo night held jointly with Leinthall Earles and Aymestrey WI proved to be a great success as did the annual Christmas dance where a full hall was entertained by the live music provided by The Denver Duo, and everyone enjoyed a ploughman's supper provided by the committee. The children's Christmas party which had been organised for early January unfortunately had to be cancelled when only 20% of the children invited replied to their invitations, and, of those replying, only a small number were able to attend - very disappointing for the children who had wanted to come and for the village hall committee who had arranged entertainment for the party. Following the very enjoyable ceilidh, which had been held last September, the excellent local group Whiffeldy had been booked again for a Ceilidh held in January. Unfortunately this event clashed with the open evening held at the Riverside Inn, to which all the villagers had been invited and not many people attended the Ceilidh. A small financial loss was incurred because of this. The second Black Country Night, organised by popular demand following the great success of last year's event, took place on February 21. 'Dandy', the popular Midlands husband and wife comedy duo were again on top form and kept the capacity audience in stitches with their hilarious routine. A supper of bangers and mash and mushy peas was provided. This kind of event couldn't take place without the support of a lot of people and grateful thanks go to everyone who helped by donating potatoes, donating raffle prizes, providing floral decorations for the stage, table decorations, cooking, what seemed like tons of mashed potatoes, making apple pies, and serving the food on the night. Special thanks must go to Martyn and Sonya Wakelin of Edison's Coffee Shop in Hereford, who, last year and this, cooked all the sausages, made the onion gravy and provided all the vital equipment to keep all the food hot. Regular quiz nights and skittles evening continue to be held and attract a regular band of enthusiasts. The very successful carpet bowling continues apace on Monday evenings with home and league matches being held. Congratulations to Aymestrey Village Hall Team who came top of the North Herefordshire league recently and thanks to Joe and Ruth Scamp who put such a lot of their time into organising everything. The committee are anxious for the hall to be used as much as possible, especially by local people. If there is a special event that you would like to see take place in the village hall please let a committee member know. The hall is available to hire for private occasions and Kevin at Aymestrey House Garden Centre will be pleased to inform you of the rates and to take bookings. Future events are advertised locally and outside the hall. Please support your village hall. You know what they say! 'Use it or lose it'.