THE new Archbishop of Canterbury, enthroned in all the pomp and ceremony of the Anglican Church, took his new seat under the watchful eye of the former dean of Hereford Cathedral, writes JONATHAN RUSSELL.

The Very Rev. Robert Willis, who moved to Canterbury in 2001, enthroned Archbishop Rowan Williams in the 13th century marble chair of St Augustus in the presence of church and civil leaders including Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Prince of Wales.

Mr Willis was Dean of Hereford Cathedral from 1992 to 2001 overseeing the construction of the Mappa Mundi and Chained Library building.

During his time in the city he was known as the 'musical dean' because of his love of English cathedral music and worship.

An accomplished pianist and lover of opera, he has written hymns including 'The Kingdom is Upon You' and 'Let Us Light a Candle'.

He was also heavily involved in promoting links between the Hereford Diocese and four Dioceses in Tanzania.

Unprompted clapping broke out in Canterbury Cathedral as the 104th Archbishop was enthroned last Thursday, kissing the Canterbury Gospels held by Dean Robert Willis.