MADAM, I must respond to the Civic Trust's opposition to the plan for a DIY store on the land owned by and opposite F H Dale Ltd.

My wife and I would welcome such a development, and we are probably typical of many in Leominster and the surrounding villages. At present we have to drive to Hereford for a 'B&Q' type store and, having made the journey, do other shopping there.

A local outlet would attract our DIY custom and a lot of our other expenditure would then stay in Leominster.

The Civic Trust claims the development would seriously detract from the scenic beauty, and the building would be no more than a glorified 'shed'.

What planet are they on? Apart from the fact we cannot live on scenic beauty alone, have they not seen Brightwells where more 'sheds' are being built? And Dale's manufacturing building is arguably the biggest 'shed' in the area. However, neither is obtrusive or offensive thanks to sympathetic planning, construction and landscaping.

It is also an insult to Leominster's traders to suggest they need this protectionism. I believe the development will provide valuable income to one of the town's leading employers,s increase choice and competitiveness to the consumer's advantage and enhance jobs and revenue generally.


Rosehill Cottage, Yarpole,
