A CONTEMPORARY solution to a perennial problem - 12 pillars, handcrafted from forged steel, each depicting an era in the history of Hereford Cathedral.

Twelve pillars to tell not only its story but also serving to define its surrounds.

And keeping access easy.

That's the concept for Cathedral Close. Somewhere to come and contemplate. Or simply relax.

The blueprint by Building Design Partnership (BDP), the architectural/engineering firm brought in by HCP to makeover Hereford city centre, allows both.

It is built around the basics. Improved paving, new paths and effective lighting to make the area less imposing at night.

A plaza is proposed as a link between the West Porch to Palace Yard.

The Stonemason's Yard will be incorporated into the City of Living Crafts 'loop' and possibly get a new building or, at least, exhibition space.

Also in the 'loop' is the Cathedral Barn, seen as a handicrafts base with its own shop.