Leominster civic leader Roger Hunt is ending his mayoral year with a bang by planning a mass protest over the town's swimming pool 'fiasco'.

Controversy has raged throughout Mr Hunt's term as mayor following the sudden closure of the Sydonia pool more than 14 months ago.

Feelings are running high. Swimmers in the town and rural areas are now reaching the end of their tether over the long delay on plans for a new pool, he says.

"We are all fed up with being fobbed off," said Mr Hunt. "I want to get all interested parties together, including the schools and the Kingfisher Swimming Club, to join together in a united front.

"We have got to put some real pressure on Herefordshire Council and strengthen the hand of our local county councillors."

Mr Hunt envisages a 'Protest Day' mass gathering on a public space such as The Grange in Leominster and says he wants to hear the ideas of others.

He can be contacted at home on 01568 720332.