ORGANISATIONS attending Herefordshire Sports Council's open annual general meeting will have the opportunity of hearing details of four projects which could be of benefit.

Continuing a policy of being the major source of sporting information in the county, the Sports Council include topics relevant to a wide range of sports.

Pitch sports will hear the outcome of a six-month study that has taken place across the county assessing the quantity, quality and usage of pitches.

County leisure centres, now managed by Halo on behalf of Hereford-shire Council, will be introducing revised community-conscious charges over the next few months. The rationale behind the new rates will be explained.

A strategic study of sports development in Herefordshire has been jointly undertaken by the Sports Council and the Herefordshire Council Sports Develop-ment Unit and the outcome and resulting action will be explained.

A new Sport England initiative, 'Step into Sport', which aims to encourage young people and those in the 50-plus age range to help clubs short of volunteers, will also be explanined.

This meeting is open to all sports organisations and takes place at the Royal National College for the Blind, Hereford, from 7.30pm on May 22.

Further information is available from Bryan White on 01432 356757.