PARISH NOTES -- The last meeting of the present parish council took place on March 25, under the chairmanship of Michael Ware. Several different faces will appear on the council at its next session which was arranged for May 13. As the number of candidates for the election was only nine, to fill the 10 vacancies, they are all considered elected and the council may co-opt a further one. Inspector Hancock, who had arranged to speak at the meeting, was unavoidably detained but sent a message describing possible arrangements for local parishioners to be trained to operate speed-check cameras in the village. Each camera required two persons to be present and these would be insured under the scheme. The equipment would be hand-held and warning notices of their use were required. This matter will be put on the agenda for the parish meeting scheduled for May 27. Jo Newton, a graduate with a background admirably suited to the subject, was invited to speak to the meeting about parish plans, a subject which all parishes are asked to consider. Such plans can unlock grant assistance and help from several sources and are the ways in which residents can express their ideas for the future development of their area. Watch this space. The cost, £294.50, to the parish of updating the three street lights under their control to enable them to be handed over to the highways authority was considered acceptable and arrangements made for this to happen. Money has been allocated by Herefordshire Council for improvements which would include extra lighting and resurfacing to Folly Lane (or Dirty Lane). Other highway problems were brought to their attention and we would receive a list, in due course, of things which would be dealt with. As some money had been included in our precept for the coming year for donations to village organisations, it was decided to give £50 each to support the scouts, the Bowling Club and the fund for the maintenance of the war memorial, from whom requests had been made. The parish footpath officer, Malcolm Lloyd, sent a report detailing the sales of the new, second edition, Weobley Walks booklet. There are a number left in the shops but with the tourist season approaching, these should soon be cleared. All the paths in the parish are open and, with help from Chris Harrison, they have been cleared of any overgrowth which had occurred. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the library in due course.

PARISH COUNCIL RATES -- Weobley parish rates were reduced by 10 per cent for the current year following a 16.8 per cent reduction last year. This is partly due to finishing paying a public works loan for village hall improvements of some years ago.

LITTER PICK -- Many thanks to the parish councillors and other volunteers who turned up on April 15, to collect litter around the village. It was generally agreed there was less litter than last year. There are people who regularly collect litter, for which grateful thanks. If you are one of those people or are willing to be, the parish council may be able to provide you with a mechanical litter picker, please contact the parish clerk.

STANDING DOWN -- Three members of the council did not offer themselves for re-election, Lucy Hurds, Stan Simons and Sheila Williams. Many thanks to all three for past services, but special mention must be made of Stan Simons who has just finished 41 years, 12 of those as chairman.

PARISH MEETING -- This will be held on Tuesday, May 27, at 7.30pm. To hear the latest on the bus stops saga, the parish lengthsman scheme and a report on the years activities come to the meeting. Also at the meeting will be the local Aquila Engineer, Ian Graves, who will speak about the problems with the power cut last October and the measures that Aquila are taking to avoid the problems in future.